
BMC Sanctuary 3Worship lies at the heart of our life as a church, and as individual Christians. In worship, we are literally demonstrating what we believe is 'worth something' in our lives. As followers of Jesus, we believe that God alone is worthy of our worship and praise. We also believe that worship is not confined to attending church but includes how we lead our whole lives. How we treat other people, how we use our money and time, and much more. 

Barnes methodist church easter cross 2024

We meet together for regular communal worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 am

Please click on the 'Sunday Worship' tab for more information and for a list of upcoming services

Children are welcome to stay in our main service. There is a comfortable space available for babies and young children.

We usually celebrate Holy Communion on the third Sunday of each month, and anyone who wishes is welcome to receive both the bread and wine. The service is usually followed by a Fellowship Lunch, with plenty of food for anyone who is able to stay.

We are led in our worship by our minister and a team of local preachers and worship leaders and we enjoy worshipping in a range of styles. For more details of what Methodists believe, please see our national website.